Mission Statement

Mission Statement
The BIG Question: Why are you here? 

To be productive, you must have a mission, a purpose, a reason for being. Otherwise, all your actions could just turn out to be noise.

Everyone is unique. Certainly, genetics is part of that; however, the real key is what you choose to do with your life. Mission Statements are like large boxes that contain all your real goals, projects, and tasks.

Once you have a clear Mission Statement, you will be able to identify those pursuits that do not align with your mission and stop them immediately.

Many organizations have long-winded mission statements and I think this is a big mistake. I encourage you to develop a personal Mission Statements that is short, simple, and succinct.  For example, Walt Disney’s mission statement was “To Make People Happy”. This global statement directed his life’s work (from the creation of Steamboat Willy to the building of Disney World).

To create one, review past accomplishments, core interests, major life themes, and your central values. Discover the main focus of your life and craft an initial statement. Do not worry if this is not eloquent. I suggest keeping it under three sentences.

Consider this a ‘living’ document and open to refinement over time to improve your own clarity of purpose. The more crisp and clear your Mission Statement, the easier it will become to travel down your life path.